Autor Thema: introduce yourself ??? - we will love it  (Gelesen 10797 mal)

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Offline FreyaTopic starter

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Hello,  :D

would you like to indroduce yourself a little bit ???   of course we are nosy to read  :-X

- where do you come from ???
- how is the weather there during the year ???
- what do you do for living ???
- do you have family and children of your own ???

You'll find some introducions of the "team-ladies" on our home page
>>>     (with pictures)
unfortunately in german language, but we will translate it someday  ;)
« Letzte Änderung: 16.09.07, 02:03 von Freya »
Wer heilt, hat Recht.

liebe Grüße

Offline margo

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Re: introduce yourself ??? - we will love it
« Antwort #1 am: 19.10.07, 11:32 »
Hello all english speaking women on farms all over!
I am an american woman who has been living in Austria for over 25 years.
I married a farmer and we live off of what our farm gives us plus a little bit of tourism and side jobs.
I have been writing in this forum for some years already, but find it exciting to write in my native language and maybe have some contact from abroad.
Also glad to help out on any questions coming up on understanding or whatever!

Believe it or not, my english is getting a little scratchy, because I don´t use it enough any more.
So, please excuse any mistakes, the message is clear I believe.

Many greetings from Tirol


Offline margo

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Re: introduce yourself ??? - we will love it
« Antwort #2 am: 19.10.07, 14:13 »
hi Nicole!

I am from Seattle, that is on the west coast, up in the Northwest, near the canadian boarder.
Seattle is famous for Boeing and Microsoft.

We did not live on a farm, but because of many visits to my relatives who have farms here in Austria, we grew to love the farm life as kids.  My mother was born in Austria, my dad was an american soldier and they met in Innsbruck, and moved back to the states in 1952.
I always was interested in the farming and taught myself a lot and experience brought on the rest.
lg margo

Offline margo

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Re: introduce yourself ??? - we will love it
« Antwort #3 am: 19.10.07, 15:42 »
Hi Nicole!
Yeah, I know Puyallap from the fair that they have there.  I have been to Mt. Rainier quite often as a kid, we camped there and took hikes, but I didn´t appreciate it enough then, I realize now what a beautiful area that it was over there.  I don´t like the thought of wild animals around the tent though, like bears. Thats one nice thing here.
Plus for some reason I trust people here more, it is hard to explain, but there are some really wierd people running around over there.
Yes the distances are quite a thing to get used to, but it also give you a sense of freedom, at least I think so.
And of course the cost of travelling are much cheaper (gas)

I am always happy to talk about "home", so if you are curious, just ask.
So, tell me about yourself, you live in the Black Forest, are you on a farm too?
We drove nearby there once 2 years ago, but I don´t think we really got in deep enough to be able to say that I really saw the area.  I don´t even remember what the area was called, we drove over from Ellsasse(spelling?)

lg margo

Offline cara

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Re: introduce yourself ??? - we will love it
« Antwort #4 am: 19.10.07, 15:46 »
hi Nicole!

I am from Seattle, that is on the west coast, up in the Northwest, near the canadian boarder.
Seattle is famous for Boeing and Microsoft.

I thought, it's famous for its neverending rain? 8)
I've got an internet friend from near Seattle, from Issaquah.. she invited me quite a lot times, but it's not that near around the corner..

I'm not quite sure about teh cheap gas.. Many of my american friends complained about high gas prices since Katrina..
LiGrüss cara

It's a magical world, Hobbes, ol' buddy...
Let's go exploring!

Offline margo

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Re: introduce yourself ??? - we will love it
« Antwort #5 am: 19.10.07, 17:37 »
Hi Caro,

Ok, I admit that Seattle in known for its rain, as the saying goes, Seattlelites don´t tan, they rust!
But it is often compared to California or the southern states where it is dry and warm.  I felt that the climate was very nice, but then in my younger years the climate was not my main interest!

The gas is still much cheaper that over here, even though for the americans it has gotten more expensive.
When you see what kind of cars (gas guzzlers) they drive, then it still can´t be too expensive.
Also, driving on the endless straight highways, and with a speed limit of about 110 kmh, the  mileage is pretty good.
lg margo

Offline FreyaTopic starter

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Re: introduce yourself ??? - we will love it
« Antwort #6 am: 20.10.07, 00:16 »
hi margo,

Seattlelites don´t tan, they rust!

I love your explanation    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Wer heilt, hat Recht.

liebe Grüße

Offline martina-s

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Re: introduce yourself ??? - we will love it
« Antwort #7 am: 21.10.07, 05:24 »
my english is very bad. But I'm attempt to fathom what written here.
« Letzte Änderung: 21.10.07, 05:27 von martina-s »
Liebe Grüße


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Re: introduce yourself ??? - we will love it
« Antwort #8 am: 09.10.18, 19:43 »
Hello Everyone,

I landed on this forum searching for answers to one of my questions which I badly typed in German on Google. I am an English speaker interested in Natural things and believe in Ayurveda. My love for Natural and organic products got me working for Navoco and I have been giving my part to the society ever since.
« Letzte Änderung: 09.10.18, 20:02 von cara »