Hi Nicole!
Yeah, I know Puyallap from the fair that they have there. I have been to Mt. Rainier quite often as a kid, we camped there and took hikes, but I didn´t appreciate it enough then, I realize now what a beautiful area that it was over there. I don´t like the thought of wild animals around the tent though, like bears. Thats one nice thing here.
Plus for some reason I trust people here more, it is hard to explain, but there are some really wierd people running around over there.
Yes the distances are quite a thing to get used to, but it also give you a sense of freedom, at least I think so.
And of course the cost of travelling are much cheaper (gas)
I am always happy to talk about "home", so if you are curious, just ask.
So, tell me about yourself, you live in the Black Forest, are you on a farm too?
We drove nearby there once 2 years ago, but I don´t think we really got in deep enough to be able to say that I really saw the area. I don´t even remember what the area was called, we drove over from Ellsasse(spelling?)
lg margo